Updates from BFUSA

News & Views2020-11-18T15:16:53+00:00

Now More Than Ever, Baby-Friendly Facilities Must Protect Parents from Commercial Interests

Dear Colleagues, On March 26, BFUSA announced that, in order to support facilities in assisting mothers to access adequate nutrition for their babies during the COVID-19 crisis, we would relax one standard regarding the provision ofRead more

April 10, 2020|Tags: |

There Are Now More than 600 Baby-Friendly Designated Facilities in the US!

Mississippi Leads the Way... The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) has reached another important milestone: over 600 birthing facilities are now Baby-Friendly designated in the US, representing more than 28% of the nation’s births. Since 1996, whenRead more

December 16, 2019|Tags: , |

New Study Shows Baby-Friendly Practices Associated with Decreased Rates of Early Infant Deaths

A new study published this week in the Journal of Pediatrics shows increased rates of implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) are associated with decreased rates of infant deaths in the first 6 days afterRead more

November 18, 2019|Tags: , |

Statement About the Infant-Driven Feeding® Training Program

Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. (BFUSA) has received numerous inquiries from Baby-Friendly designated facilities with NICU’s about the Infant-Driven Feeding® training program particularly designed for NICU staff.  Specifically, we have been asked to weigh in on potential conflictsRead more

September 4, 2019|Tags: |

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